Strength Rx Programs for Maximizing Your Goals

At STRENGTH Rx, we believe in providing a personalized and comprehensive approach to fitness, ensuring that every individual can achieve their unique goals. Our programs are designed to cater to a variety of needs, and we offer a free initial consultation to help you understand our approach and discuss your specific requirements.

What to Expect in Your Free Consultation

During the no-pressure initial consultation, we aim to create a comfortable space for you to ask questions and learn about our programs. This is also an opportunity for us to understand your goals, health status, commitment level, injuries, and movement patterns. We believe in transparency and want you to leave the meeting with a clear understanding of what we do and what we expect from you. If you decide to apply for acceptance into our program, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Focus on Fundamental Training Principles

Regardless of the program you choose, our fundamental training principles include teaching you to train correctly. We prioritize achieving muscular balance for healthy posture and function, as well as increasing flexibility and mobility.

Program Offerings:

Strength and Conditioning for Athletes

Tailored programs for athletes, including in-season training.

Military/Law Enforcement/Fire Academy Preparation

Get in shape to pass the physical fitness requirements of the job.

Weekend Warriors

Train like an athlete with adjusted volume for recovery.

General Fitness/Personal Training

Comprehensive training across various methods and energy systems.


Design a program to improve overall health and well-being.

Weight Loss

Combining nutrition plans and training programs for effective weight loss.


A simple, effective nutrition program included with all our offerings.

Mobility and Stretching

Address mobility issues and enhance flexibility for improved movement.

Your Journey to Success

Whether you’re an athlete, a weekend warrior, or someone aiming for a healthier lifestyle, STRENGTH Rx has a program for you. Contact us to schedule your free consultation and take the first step towards achieving your fitness goals.

Your success is our prescription at STRENGTH Rx!